Privacy Policy

1. [Personal Data Protection] We protect your privacy and your personal data in line with our values and ethics, and in compliance with privacy regulations, especially the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

2. [Data Controller] Personal data will be processed by our company, mutualus s.r.o., advokátní kancelář, with its registered office at Pernerova 697/35, 186 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic, ID number: 174 92 785.

3. [Scope] When dealing with us, we obtain access to different personal data of our clients, our suppliers and other business partners, of our employees and cooperating experts of our website visitors, and of persons who have consented to receive information from us. Personal data typically includes names, email addresses, phone numbers, residence addresses, birth dates and numbers, bank account numbers, and information regarding education and career.

4. [Source of Data] We obtain personal data typically directly from individuals, but also from publicly available sources, public registries and authorities, our business partners, or other third parties.

5. [Purpose of Data Collection] We process personal data to provide advisory services, to negotiate and perform projects, to conclude contracts, to handle job applications, to communicate with you, and to meet our regulatory obligations. We may also process your personal data for marketing purposes but only based on your consent or our legitimate interest. You may object to such processing at any time.

6. [Retention Period] We process personal data only to the extent and for the time necessary to fulfil the individual purpose and in line with public regulations, e.g., in taxation and legal advisory services.

7. [Third Parties with Access to Data] We may disclose your personal data to our employees and cooperating experts, and to the providers of professional tools we use. We may also transfer personal data to other data controllers, such as public authorities, when we are required by law to do so.

8. [Security Measures] We process data using especially SingleCase and Microsoft 365 professional tools. Both mutualus and providers of our professional tools, have taken appropriate measures to protect personal data against damage, unauthorized access, or misuse.

9. [Rights of Data Subjects] At any time, you may ask us to provide you with access to your personal data that we process, to rectify it, to erase it, to restrict the processing of your personal data (in which case we will only be able to store your data without processing it), or to lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection. Where personal data is being processed based on consent, the consent can be withdrawn at any time.

10. [Cookies] When you visit our website, small data files called cookies are placed on your device to ensure the website works properly. Our website uses only technical cookies, as opposed to marketing, analytical, or other types of cookies. Therefore the website does not allow disabling them nor request users‘ consent, in compliance with EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications.

If anything is unclear, feel free to contact us for further clarification at