making sustainability a new standard.
Simple from complex, specific from general, practice from theory, opportunities from rules
Sustainability Transformation
Embracing sustainability transformation can create a substantial advantage for organisations.
We specialise in creating tailored sustainability-aligned strategies that convert broad sustainability concepts into defined processes and agendas.
Sustainability strategy
Evolving organisations for new standard
Our thorough understanding of sustainability landscape enables us to see behind the corner.
Sustainability Reporting
New business standards expect companies to periodically disclose information about their sustainability strategy and performance.
Requirements introduced by Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) pose significant challenges for many.
Sustainability report
Understanding and measuring impacts
Our deep knowledge enables us to get into vast number of topics.
Public Regulation
A surge of new sustainability regulations has impacted operation and strategies of companies across various industries.
We provide comprehensive legal analyses of the new legislation, distilling legal complexities into accurate conclusions, realistic expectations, and concrete steps for adaptation.
Compliance with value for you
Limiting risks and creating new opportunities
We have been implementing new regulations to the practice for years.
Due Diligence
Sustainability and environmental performance are becoming material factors in corporate management and when acquiring targets.
To support informed decision-making, we provide sustainability due diligence, assessing sustainability risks and identifying opportunities in own operations and potential investments.
Sustainability outlook
Thoughtful decisions and no surprises
Our different backgrounds allow us to understand vast array of risks and opportunities.
Sustainable Products and Services
For companies committed to advancing sustainability, we offer expert guidance in designing and developing new, sustainable products and services.
Our approach ensures that your innovations are not only environmentally friendly but also economically viable, aligning with the latest sustainability standards and regulations.
New ways for your organisation
Leadership in your field
Our understanding of sustainability trends lets us design products and services that will last.
How we see our role
The complexity of the business environment has increased due to new expectations on impact, public regulation, and collaboration with diverse stakeholders. Our role is to navigate businesses through this complexity, fostering value for their prosperity.
We accomplish this through first-class advisory standards, a deep mastery of sustainability management and reporting technicalities and regulations, and by ensuring our stable senior advisors attend to clients directly and in person.
Quickly changing world brings necessity for organisations to change their way of operation for better. This presents challenges that almost no one can do on their own. It is our role to empower our Partners with knowledge and tools to make right decisions. We provide necessary support to seamlessly implement sustainability principles in their strategy and operation.
Since we are at the forefront of sustainability development, it is also our role to bring innovative ideas to our Partners and challenge them to evolve more than they imagine possible.

We are on the brink of a transformation. New regulations, increased pressures from investors, business partners, and society are clear indicators. In companies, there is a growing gap in corporate sustainability knowledge and skills, often with minimal or no dedicated people and resources due to the complexity of this new agenda.
Every day, we focus on learning, thinking, and discussing sustainability. Engaged in both local and international sustainability scenes, we are committed to leveraging our growing knowledge, expertise, and network to empower our Partners. Our goal is not just to address immediate compliance challenges, but to lay a solid foundation for effective sustainability management and to elevate our partners through education and shared insights.

Our economy is going through the most complex transformation since the fall of Communism. Companies need to minimise their negative impact on climate, environment and society and seize new green and inclusive opportunities.
At mutualus, we start by fulfilling regulatory requirements and always strive to do more. We want to help our Partners become more sustainable. The recipe requires the right portion of governance, management buy-in, policies, targets, products, employee education, reporting and other ingredients. Our Partners can benefit from lessons I learned first hand in one of the largest Czech companies.